Phase 1, Post 1: Introduction

What’s your name and major?

My name is Rafael de Leon and I am a second-year Computer Science major.

Why are you interested in Diversity and Technology?

I am taking this course because Diversity cannot be an afterthought in technological use and advances.  There is a lot of room for growth in Diversity given the rapid pace and privatized nature of the tech empire right now, and if we don't pay attention to those in minorities of any kind, we allow these groups to be systematically alienated and neglected again.  Racism, sexism, and other types of discrimination and harassment have taken a different form that is no less damaging than before.  What we fail to consider when we as engineers create is equally as important to what we do consider.

Which field trips and guest speakers from last year most interest you? Can you suggest any other field trips or guest speakers? Feel free to use the D&T Resource List to get more ideas.

From the list of trips, the one that catches my eye is the visit to the LBGTQ Center on April 17.  As someone who primarily identifies as a cis/het male, I am always interested in how I can be aware of and check my privilege.

Which book on the class syllabus most interests you?

I am most interested in Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism, by Safiya Umoja Noble.  This topic is related to why I was interested in this subject, and is a clear conflict about diversity in technology.

Please suggest an additional book or resource for consideration on the class book list. 

This article talks about driverless cars struggling to identify people with darker skin.  It is a good example of what happens when the problem is not actively addressed.  No action was taken against a minority, but they were alienated nonetheless.


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