Phase 2, Post 8: Michael Lindsey & Uzoma Orchingwa

Michael Lindsey talked about the McSilver Institute and its goal to find the actual causes behind poverty and address consequences that arise because of them. The McSilver Institute has university wide reach and takes initiatives on that large of a scale. They attempt to reduce inequality and bring together diverse faculty together to discuss ways to address inequality and reduce it as much as possible. The McSilver Institute is also a very large Institute, and has many partners that were shown to us. 
Uzoma Orchingwa talked about Ameelio, which is a free way to send mail to someone that is incarcerated. There are no entry requirements and it is free. It takes away the costs of stamps and the cost of mailing. Making this service accessible and free is important to incarcerated people and their social interactions, as most of these people communicate with their children through the mail. Ameelio is not being funded by a major corporation, and yet still boasts over 500 letters just within the last few weeks. The overlap between these two works is that both seek to address economic barriers that need to be taken down. The McSilver Institute is attempting to find causes and consequences of poverty while Ameelio is taking away that economic barrier for incarcerated people and their families and friends. Both causes are very just and these are important resources. 


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