Phase 1, Post 4: Taking Care of Brooklyn - Medical Biases
One artifact that caught my eye was the second picture, which showed an emergency medical response team of six. The caption describes the team's borough as "diverse," but the image is of an only-caucasian team. The reason this picture out of all of them caught my eye is that I believe this is the primary type of racism that is prevalent today. It is a quieter version of racism, but no less harmful. It is the idea that white is normal or pure.
The next prevalent piece was the New York Health poster advertising against sugary drinks. At the top, a strong font shouts, "ARE YOU POURING ON THE POUNDS?" While, in broad strokes, I agree with the sentiment of keeping in mind how sugary drinks play into your health, I think this much more for the dangers of diabetes and dental problems. It is blatantly ignorant to shame body image instead of calling for better bodily health.
The next prevalent piece was the New York Health poster advertising against sugary drinks. At the top, a strong font shouts, "ARE YOU POURING ON THE POUNDS?" While, in broad strokes, I agree with the sentiment of keeping in mind how sugary drinks play into your health, I think this much more for the dangers of diabetes and dental problems. It is blatantly ignorant to shame body image instead of calling for better bodily health.
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